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Asia-Pacific cyber-attacksin Q2 2024

Asia’s Tech News: June 2024

Asia’s tech news, monthly, in June 2024 captured items from across Southeast Asia and the Indo-Pacific in fields and subjects including: China’s ongoing, and growing, space industry achievements; Australia’s Northern Territories and critical & rare earth minerals; Taiwan’s TSMC and rectangular semiconductor substrates; Malaysia’s growing profile as a global high-tech production center; Singapore-US collaboration on tech-driven maritime security and beyond; and many more.

Hit the country index links below to read tech news from each jurisdiction across Asia in full, online, and free of charge.

And: Coverage of critical technologies, globally, in June.

Australia StartUp to ScaleUp Summit

Australia: StartUp to ScaleUp Summit 2024 – September in Sydney

Australia: Tech news in June 2024

    • Australia’s population (2023): 26 million

Cambodia: Tech snapshot for June 2024

    • Cambodia’s population (2023): 17 million

China: Tech news in June 2024

    • China’s population (2023): 1.4 billion
China's digital silk road in the Indo-Pacific

ORF: China’s digital silk road in the Indo-Pacific

Hong Kong: Tech in June 2024

    • Hong Kong’s population (2023): 7.5 million

India: Technology news in June 2024

    • India’s population (2023): 1.4 billion

Indonesia: Tech news, June 2024

    • Indonesia’s population (2023): 277.5 million
Japan Startup Ecosystem in June 2024

METI: The Japan Startup Ecosystem in June 2024 (direct pdf link)

Japan: Technology news headlines in June 2024

    • Japan’s population (2023): 123.3 million

South Korea: Tech news in June 2024

    • South Korea’s population (2023): 51.8 million

Malaysia: Technology news from June 2024

    • Malaysia’s population (2023): 34.3 million
MYStartup Malaysia

MYStartup – Single Window to Malaysia’s Startup Ecosystem

New Zealand: Tech snapshot for June 2024

    • New Zealand’s population (2023): 5.2 million

Philippines: Technology news in  June 2024

    • Philippines’ population (2023): 117.3 million

Singapore: Tech news headlines from June 2024

    • Singapore’s population (2023): 6 million
Venture Pulse Asia Q1 2024

KPMG Venture Pulse Q1 2024 – Asia findings

Taiwan: Technology news from  June 2024

    • Taiwan’s population (2023): 24 million

Thailand: Tech news snapshot for June 2024

    • Thailand’s population (2023): 71.8 million

Vietnam: Tech snapshot, June 2024

    • Vietnam’s population (2023): 98.9 million
Critical minerals 2024

IEA Global Critical Minerals Outlook 2024

Critical technologies:  June 2024

Photonics-and-graphene next-gen semiconductors / Russian satellite break-up and orbital debris / space-based solar power generation and transmission / Micron chip-maker and Malaysia / Insolvencies in China’s semiconductors space / Mongolian mining opportunities in critical minerals…

Critical technologies news in June 2024 >

Critical tech quarterly, Q2 2024

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