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Asia Tech Monthly, July 2024
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Asia-Pacific cyber-attacksin Q2 2024

June 2024: Indonesia

The Indonesia tech snapshot for June 2024 touches briefly on: a new Indonesia-Singapore subsea data cable system; cybersecurity training with the US, focusing on maritime systems security; an Indonesian cyber-attack, and the government’s refusal to pay a ransom demand; and a handful of other items.

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Critical minerals 2024

IEA Global Critical Minerals Outlook 2024

  • Telkom Indonesia’s int’l arm, Telin, inks MoU with Singtel for new subsea system connecting Singapore and Indonesia, operating under newly-formed consortium / full item
  • Indonesia’s national data center hit by ransomware, disrupting a number of public services; hackers demanded $8M ransom, which gov’t has refused to pay / full item
  • Indonesia and the US recently completed a port-focused cybersecurity exercise in move to better prepare for attacks on maritime critical infrastructure / full item

‘Indonesia’s $5 billion deal with Tesla is only part of its all-in strategy on nickel mining’ / full item

  • Indonesia: eFishery aquaculture firm gains $30M loan from HSBC Indonesia to lift uptake of automated feeding product for small-hold farmers, speeding crop cycle by up to 74 days / full item
  • Indonesia: Telkomsel Ventures and AppWorks unveil 7 startups selected for 9th cohort of Tinc accelerator, working in pediatric health, fintech, messaging tech and more / full item
  • Deindustrialization risk & technology: “In Indonesia, the contribution of the manufacturing sector to GDP decreased from 29.3% in 2000 to 18.25% in 2022.” / full item
  • Indonesia: Gov’t launches Indonesia Business Startup Matchmaking, IndoBisa, program to develop startups in tourism and creative economy sectors / full item
  • Startup Ecosystem Pulse Report, SEA and India edition, is available now, drawing on survey of 600 across Singapore, India, Indonesia and The Philippines / full item
Malaysia: Tech in Asia Conference

Malaysia: Tech in Asia Conference – July 24-25 in Kuala Lumpur

Indo-Pacific tech news editions

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Critical tech quarterly, Q2 2024

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