An email newsletter on Asia, geopolitics, technology, supply chains, emerging risks and more
The world is changing fast, right now, in ways that we’re sometimes simply not aware of, and in ways it is easy to misunderstand.
Need To Know Now adds additional context, and food for thought, to build out on the ‘headline takes’ across a variety of timely issues.
To illustrate:
Much is made of Asia as a ‘forever source’ of production capacity, with an assumption of never-ending growth, but do population trends – and projections – support the ‘forever’ view?
And, if not, what does that mean for today, and for tomorrow, on a range of considerations spanning economic, social, societal, regional and geopolitical?
Via Substack | Via LinkedIn | Downloads
At this early stage, we link to those items, articles, reports and commentaries that – we believe – supplement the headline narratives on a range of issues, providing useful additional context to consider around the challenges that we face, today.
Subject areas span a range – technologies, supply chains, geopolitics (where not simply too large to look at), risks and pressures resulting from these, and beyond.
Given the launch date – January 2023 – this is something of a work-in-progress, and one which we’re delivering alongside our sister platform, Startup News Asia.
Read it On Substack & LinkedIn
Links below lead to a snapshot of the Need To Know Now newsletter on Substack, and to the subject areas touched on.
Alternatively, you can recieve, or read, the Need To Know Now newsletter via LinkedIn which, like Substack’s newsletters, also provides an online archive of every edition of Need To Know Now.
Need To Know Now:
March 5th 2023 on Substack
Aerostats in the South China Sea, dams on the Mekong, ‘shadow shipping’ of oil, why fossil fuels aren’t going away, and Indonesian nickel’s environmental problems…
1. China, aerostats & surveillance
2. The Mekong, sediment, and viable agriculture
3. Shadow fleets, dark shipping, oil & sanctions
4. Fossil fuels are here to stay
5. Indonesia’s electric vehicle nickel headaches
Alternatively, you can download the March 5th edition as an interactive PDF, hyperlinked from your screen to each online article, and QR-coded to connect to each article if you prefer to read Need To Know Now in hardcopy format.
Download it here:
Need To Know Now newsletter, March 5th 2023 (pdf)
Need To Know Now:
January 28th 2023 on Substack
Russia, fertilizer and agriculture in Japan, Myanmar’s strategic value to China, AI-driven automation and the workforce, the minerals impact of electric vehicles, and the cyber component of Indo-Pacific risk…
1. Japan’s reliance on fertilizer imports
2. Myanmar’s strategic value to China
3. The impact of artificial intelligence on the workforce
4. The minerals impact of electric vehicles, and
5. The cyber component of Indo-Pacific risk
Sign up for the Substack edition of Need To Know Now below:
Need To Know Now On LinkedIn
NTKN newsletter: March 5th 2023
China’s aerostat surveillance, dams on the Mekong, ‘shadow shipping’ of oil, why fossil fuels aren’t going away, and Indonesian nickel’s environmental headaches…
1. China, aerostats & surveillance
2. The Mekong, sediment, and viable agriculture
3. Shadow fleets, dark shipping, oil & sanctions
4. Fossil fuels are here to stay
5. Indonesia’s EV nickel headaches
Need To Know Now, March 5th 2023, on LinkedIn >
Need To Know Now: January 28th 2023
Japan’s reliance on fertilizer imports, Myanmar’s strategic value, AI and the workforce, the minerals impact of electric vehicles, and the cyber component of Indo-Pacific risk…
1. Russia, fertilizer and agriculture in Japan
2. Myanmar’s importance to China
3. One of the problems with AI-driven automation
4. At a glance: Minerals, EVs and conventional cars
5. Download: The Future of Cyberwarfare in the Indo-Pacific
Need To Know Now newsletter, January 28th 2023, on LinkedIn >
Download Need To Know Now
The Need To Know Now newsletter can also be downloaded in interactive PDF format, providing a combination of hyperlinked PDF content, taking you to the articles behind each headline, and also – in editions from March 5th 2023 onwards – full QR-coding, allowing you to print and read later, and still get to the online articles quoted.