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Cybersecurity news: November 2020

Cybersec & datasec headlines

Cybersecurity, datasec and privacy related news headlines from November 2020, drawn from Startup News Asia’s daily updates.

Each cybersec news headline listed below is linked to the full technology news item behind that headline, gathered from online news and media sources across November of 2020.

Headlines are bullet listed to provide, first, an at-a-glance overview of the key cybersec and datasec news items from November 2020 and, second, a speedy method for readers to click through to the details of only the items that interest them most.

Cybersec news items featured here span a wide range; from interviews with cybersecurity professionals, through to examinations of national cybersecurity, datasec and privacy policies.

McKinsey: Cybersecurity in Automotive

The Politics of Internet Security

eSET Cyber Threat Report Q3 2020

Huawei's Geostrategic Role

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