Startup News: Taiwan
In September 2019
- Taiwan: A quick look at Taiwan’s moves into Agriculture 4.0, technology-driven precision farming
- Taiwan: Perfect Corp augmented reality startup gains backing from China’s Alibaba with ‘virtual try-it-on’ retail technology
- Taiwan: Bitmark blockchain-backed digital property rights startup secures $3M
- Taiwan: A brief intro to 4 healthcare startups, working on technology-driven solutions spanning AI, VR, and beyond
- Taiwan: An overview of Taiwan Tech Arena’s ecosystem aims with representation, acceleration, and strategic cooperation to establish Taiwan as a startup nation
- Taiwan: KaiKuTek startup takes on the challenge of gesture recognition systems, lining up against Google and others
- Taiwan: FunNow instant entertainment booking startup gains series-A+ funding, with 1000 merchants and sights set on services for the 2020 Olympics
- Taiwan’s ELECLEAN partners Malaysia’s Richmountain with eco-friendly, chemical-free disinfectant process
- Taiwan: 12 biomedical tech startups secure orders to $120M from US military, Hewlett-Packard and Johnson & Johnson via MedTech Conference in Boston