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China: July 2021

China’s tech startups: July 2021 news headlines
– articles, downloads, reports & more

Tech and startup news headlines from China in July of 2021 covered items including: China’s digital currency, the e-CNY; Alibaba’s latest venture fund; government scrutiny of the online tutoring industry; insurance payments using China’s ‘digital yuan’; provincial government initiatives to boost blockchain use in the country; limits on time spent gaming by younger players; and many others.

Each China-focused tech news item below links you to the full article behind it, online and free-to-read with no middleman services, interstitial ads or other unnecessary extra steps.

Our all-day updates via mobile app & social media also cover China’s tech news as it’s reported; follow on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook or mobile app; or sign up for the Startup News Asia e-newsletter.

China Mobile Economy 2021

PwC: China's economy and the global economy (pdf)

World Economic Forum: Fintech In China (pdf)

China: Attention Factory - TikTok and ByteDance

Merics Research: Blockchain in China (pdf)

China Mobile Economy 2021


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