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Indo-Pacific Studies Center

Myanmar: May 2021

Myanmar’s recent tech news

The May 2021 tech news round-up for Myanmar obviously primarily covers the military coup in its many tech-related impacts, from internet and social media shutdowns to the use of various technologies to bypass military censorship. Worth noting is that both YouTube and Vimeo have removed military-run video channels due to the misinformation being peddled, alongside Facebook having learned valuable lessons from the Rohingya persecution around weaponisation of the platform.

The headlines gathered below outline recent tech news from Myanmar, providing Startup News Asia’s readers with:

  • an at-a-glance overview of Myanmar’s recent tech news;
  • instant insights into the country’s technology space; and
  • 1-click access to the articles behind the headlines.

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Myanmar Consumer Survey Report / Deloitte

Myanmar: Deloitte Consumer Survey (pdf)

Myanmar tech news in April 2021


Myanmar’s tech news: March 2021

Myanmar coup: Military banned from social media


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