The January 2022 snapshot of Taiwan’s technology, startup and venture capital news headlines, drawn from Startup News Asia’s daily news feeds
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- Taiwan: In case you missed it, an intro to the 9 startups selected to be Taiwan’s startup ambassadors overseas as part of the Startup Island Taiwan NEXT BIG project
- An overview of how Mobility-as-a-Service – MaaS – could work in Taiwan as public transit systems struggle to recover beyond 80% of pre-pandemic ridership
- Taiwan unveils plans for $1BN joint projects fund between Lithuanian and Taiwanese companies, a week after pledging a $200M fund to invest in Lithuania
- Taiwan: PopChill sustainable e-commerce marketplace gains $2.2M Pre-Series A funding with second-hand fashion focus
- Taiwan’s Gogoro and EV batteries: “…our system is really like a vending machine that goes into different locations based on where the consumer goes and where the consumer needs energy.”
- A look at Taipei’s cloud kitchen market: ““We operate our own kitchens, and we create our own brands…”
- 2021 Taiwan Startup Ecosystem Survey findings now available to download from PwC Taiwan
- Taiwan’s Foxconn iPhone components maker partners Indonesia’s Investment Ministry and companies with sights set on full-spectrum EV industry development
Today’s tech news
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