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Asia's Tech News - November 2024
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Philippines: December 2023

The Philippines tech news snapshot for December captured innovations including: Filipino workers remotely controlling robots in Japan; the second coming of the Web3 gaming economy in The Philippines; e27’s take on the Filipino tech startup ecosystem; and a handful of other items.

Other editions: Asia’s tech news, daily (via LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter/X); and Indo-Pacific technology newsletters, weekly.

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Critical technologies in December 2023

China's maritime militia

CSIS: Pulling back the curtain on China’s maritime militia

Astro Robotics currently employs more than thirty employees in Metro Manila working to control robots in Japan. Their exclusive partnership with Telexistence represents a groundbreaking shift in traditional work setups, particularly in the realm of robotics. The innovative approach eliminates the need for Filipinos to relocate to Japan, offering a more efficient and cost-effective solution. The Japanese technology company recently signed a strategic partnership with Foxconn to manufacture robots, setting the stage for Astro Robotics to focus on workforce development and training.

The company sees itself as a catalyst for upskilling the Filipino workforce, moving beyond traditional roles and exploring higher-level tasks in areas like tech support, engineering, and even robotics research. This forward-thinking approach aims to position the Philippines as a hub for technological innovation and a source of talent for global companies.

Video: ‘2023 Year in Review of blockchain adoption in the Philippines’ from CoinGeek

Political Geography of South China Sea

RAND Corp: Political Geography of the South China Sea disputes

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