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Asia Tech, October 2024
Asia's Tech Newsletter, Weekly
Indo-Pacific Studies Center

Korea: March 2023

South Korea’s tech news headlines in March of 2023 spanned subjects including improved Korea-Japan relations in semiconductor technology, the South Korean government’s commitment to space technologies, and more.  Hit the headline links below to read each article in full, online.

Our other editions include daily, weekly, monthly, and mobile technology news updates.

Korea Startup Grand Challenge 2023

Korea Startup Grand Challenge 2023 – applications now open

“The government itself plans to pitch in $19 billion for R&D, $275 billion for chip packaging and $76 billion for infrastructure. Korea’s industry ministry said the efforts would allow the country to ‘leap forward as a high-tech industrial superpower.'”

Deloitte: 2023 Semiconductor Industry Outlook

Deloitte: 2023 Semiconductor Industry Outlook

Asia’s tech news headlines

Our other news editions go out on a range of platforms and channels, and across a range of timeframes, highlighting key tech news from across Asia and the Indo-Pacific, and showcasing the region’s startups and technology developments:

Critical technologies globally in Q3 2024

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