Q2 2017
Startup News
New Zealand
- New Zealand: Smartphones and apps used to combat ‘fake’ food in China
- New Zealand: Donation Manager software set to cut EOFY admin for charities
- New Zealand: Banqer financial ed platform wins Child Youth Finance award
- New Zealand: A look at Credit Simple fintech startup
- New Zealand: Digital sector, gov’t ally to drive IoT’s economic & social benefits
- New Zealand: US military partners Upside Biotechnologies for engineered skin
- New Zealand: Local Foundation look at Nelson as NZ’s Silicon Valley
- New Zealand launches 3-year visa program for social impact entrepreneurs
- ‘As New Zealand courts tech talent, its location becomes a draw’
- New Zealand: The Icehouse’s Flux Accelerator picks 6 startups for 2017 cohort
- New Zealand: Binder digital wedding planner wins Startup Weekend Christchurch
- New Zealand: Fulcrum raises $3.4M in 2 days after move to Sydney
- New Zealand: $69M angel investments made into young NZ firms in 2016
- An overview of New Zealand’s startup challenges & opportunities
- New Zealand: NZ1Mall aims to open Chinese export doors for local SMEs
- Another look at Lion Unleashed, accelerator seeking F&B entrepreneurs
- Australasia: Lion Unleashed partners Slingshot for new accelerator