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Indo-Pacific Studies Center

Myanmar: Q3 2020

July, August & September 2020

Startup News Asia’s third quarter 2020 round-up of Myanmar’s startup news from July, August and September.

Each news headline listed below details a tech or startup news item from Q3 2020 connected with an aspect of Myanmar’s startup ecosystem; a Myanmar startup announcing a new service, product or VC investment, or an article covering something affecting Myanmar’s startup ecosystem in some way, such as a government or corporate startup investment program, for instance.

The focus is obviously on Myanmar’s startups, but technology and startup news headlines are included from the wider SEA region and the world beyond where useful to provide points-of-reference, food for thought, and wider industry knowledge.

September 2020 | August 2020 | July 2020

Myanmar’s startup news: September 2020

The Role of Entrepreneurship in Closing Gender Gaps in Myanmar

Myanmar’s startup news: August 2020

Myanmar Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Report

Myanmar’s startup news: July 2020

lesswalk Myanmar

Phandeeyar, Myanmar

Indo-Pacific Insight

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