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Myanmar: Q2 2021

Tech in Myanmar
April, May & June 2021

Myanmar’s tech news headlines from Q2 2021

The Myanmar tech news round-up for second quarter 2021 gathers headlines from April, May and June of the year on subjects primarily around the military coup suffered by Myanmar’s citizens. For example: the use of smartphones and video in documenting military abuse; online information and suppression methods used by the junta; and the National Unity Government’s response to the coup’s impact on Myanmar’s schools and education.

Headlines below link directly to the Myanmar tech news article behind it – no interstitials, no ads and free-to-read.

Hit the jump links below to go directly to the Myanmar technology snapshots for April 2021, May 2021 or June 2021, or simply browse the listings for the headlines that interest you the most.

April 2021   |   May 2021   |   June 2021

2021 Wild Digital Conferences: Indonesia & South East Asia

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Myanmar: LessWalk

Myanmar tech news: June 2021

Myanmar Consumer Survey Report / Deloitte

Myanmar technology news: May 2021

Myanmar military coup: Internet and information suppression

Myanmar news: April 2021

Myanmar: Military coup internet blocks


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