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Q1 2023: Hong Kong

Hong Kong’s tech news
First quarter 2023

Hong Kong’s technology news headlines spanned a range of issues, platforms and subjects in January, February and March of 2023, including: Animoca Brands’ in-roads to Saudi Arabia’s NFT space; new rules to regulate trading in Hong Kong of ‘virtual assets’; the city’s ongoing attempts to position itself as a cryptocurrency hub; blockchain-based SIM cards for mobile phone services, and more.

Hit the headlines below to read each Hong Kong tech news item in full, online.

January 2023   |   February 2023   |   March 2023

We also deliver a weekly email newsletter, capturing the week’s tech news headlines from across Asia Pac and the Indo-Pacific.

Indo-Pacific hybrid threats

ASPI: A proposal for an Indo-Pacific hybrid threat centre

tech news: March 2023

“2336 cryptocurrency-related scams were reported…last year – a 67% rise from 1397 cases logged in 2021. The cases involved about HK$1.7 billion in funds, a 106% increase from the year before…”

China's cyber ranges

CSET: An examination of China’s cyber ranges

tech news: February 2023

Hong Kong: “When Safari users…tried to load…code-sharing website GitLab, they received a strange warning instead: Apple’s browser was blocking the site… The warning screen itself came courtesy of Tencent…”

ORF: The Future of Cyber Warfare in the Indo-Pacific

ORF: The Future of Cyber Warfare in the Indo-Pacific

tech news: January 2023

“…the Hong Kong government announced a range of policy measures for the virtual asset industry aimed at promoting the city as a hub, shifting a conservative stance it has held for the past few years as the cryptocurrency market experienced rapid growth and extreme volatility.”

“CSOP Asset Management last month started a pair of Hong Kong ETFs investing in Bitcoin and Ether futures, which now have combined assets of about US$82 million. Sin said total assets under management in Hong Kong ETFs stand at about US$48 billion and will surpass US$50 billion by year-end.”

Critical Technologies Tracker

Australian Strategic Policy Institute: Critical Technology Tracker

Asia’s tech news headlines
Decoding China

The Decoding China dictionary: Terms, meanings, framing

Indo-Pacific Insight newsletter

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