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Q3 2023: Taiwan

July, August & September 2023

Taiwan’s tech news headlines in 2023’s third quarter captured items including: Taiwan’s changing semiconductor industry, domestically and internationally; Foxconn’s moves to diversify and internationalize its operations; Taiwan’s space-focused ambitions; and more.

For other editions, take a look at Asia’s tech news, daily, delivered via LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter/X, and our Indo-Pacific tech newsletters for a weekly email update on Asian tech.

Hit the links below for each month’s Taiwan tech headlines, or scroll for an at-a-glance overview of Taiwan’s tech news in Q3 2023:

September 2023  |  August 2023  |  July 2023

e-Conomy Southeast Asia 2023 report

e-Conomy Southeast Asia 2023 report – Google, Temasek, Bain and Co

September 2023

US, Taiwan and Semiconductor Supply Chain

US, Taiwan & Semiconductors: A Critical Supply Chain Partnership

Quantum Technologies

McKinsey & Co: Quantum Technologies Monitor

Space and Agriculture

World Economic Forum: Space Applications in Agriculture

Samsung & semiconductors:
“…once TSMC joins us in the race for two-nanometre technology, Samsung will lead the way. Within five years, we can surpass TSMC.”

Indo-Pacific Semiconductor Supply Chains

CSIS: Semiconductor Supply Chains & Indo-Pacific Economic Framework

August 2023

“…telecom operators and network gear providers need to buy up to 6 chips from different suppliers such as Intel, Broadcom, NXP and Marvell… EdgeQ’s approach is to replace all those chips with one ‘system-on-a-chip.'”

Taiwan ‘is best-positioned to create what he calls “red-free” or “China-free” defense supply chains that friendly countries, such as Australia and Japan, could leverage for their own military logistics.’

Now, Lo, who also goes by Max, has fully transitioned the company to making dual-use drones that can also be mounted with guns, drop bombs or surveil enemy sites. Taiwan’s military is partnering with private companies including Geosat to build 3,000 military-use drones by next year.

‘…Flax Typhoon, “a nation-state actor based out of China”, has since mid-2021 mainly “targeted [Taiwan] government agencies and education, critical manufacturing, and [IT] organizations…”‘

US, Taiwan and Semiconductor Supply Chain

The US, Taiwan and Semiconductors – A Crucial Supply Chain Partnership

July 2023

Emerging Tech Supply Chains

CSET: Mapping emerging technologies and their supply chains

China's maritime militia

CSIS: Pulling back the curtain on China’s maritime militia

Taipei Blockchain Week 2023

Taipei Blockchain Week 2023 – December 11-16

SharePass communications security

SharePass: Online digital security solution

Indo-Pacific TECH news

All-day tech news updates from across the broad – and increasingly strategically and technologically important – Indo-Pacific region, and across South and Southeast Asia:

Our mobile app is currently offline, due to the ongoing devolution of what was Twitter, now X.

We aim to have the app back online with a much-improved interface and broader functionality by the end of 2023.

WEF - Space Applications in Agriculture

World Economic Forum: Space Applications in Agriculture

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